I have been active in a number of academic and extracurricular projects. Here are some of them; click on the respective panels to find out more:
Research Projects

Structure Elucidaiton with Machine Learning
In my current master’s thesis, I am investigating how we can use machine learning to identify unknown metabolites and degradation products of pesticides.

WIP! Thank you for your patience.

RAMBO: Initializing BO, the smart way
Contribution to the 2024 BO&Materials Hackathon hosted by the Acceleration Consortium. My team created a pipeline to effectively pick promising starting conditions for Bayesion Optimization campaigns from literature.

SynSearch: Leveraging LLMs for chemical synthesis
Winner of the 2023 Hackathon on Generative AI Hackathon hosted by the Swiss Data Science Center. My team designed a tool to aid experimental chemists in designing their experiments by leveraging chemical literature with large language models.

A recent passion project of mine; a blog about navigating digital chemistry as a young student.

Women in Natural Sciences (at ETH Zurich and beyond)
WIP! Thank you for your patience.

At ETH Zurich, we get an enormous amount of value from learning from older peers who work as Teaching Assistants. Over the course of my studies, I worked as one as well, and ended up leading a team of five TAs for a 180+ undergraduate student Chemistry lecture. Click for thoughts and useful resources.

Mentoring Students: The Chemistry Olympiad
Even though I am a young student myself, mentorship is important to me. I strongly believe in the value that people who are “1-2 steps ahead” can provide.