Welcome to my personal website! I am a visiting graduate student at MIT and master’s student at ETH Zurich with a focus on digital chemistry, catalysis, and chemical engineering. I am interested in spectroscopy (in particular, mass spectrometry for meachine-learning assisted structural elucidation of small molecules), transition metal and digital chemistry.
For any inquiries, please do get in touch via social media or e-mail.
What’s New
- [24/10] I joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for my master’s thesis! In the Department of Chemical Engineering in the group of Connor W. Coley, I am working on structure elucidation of mass spectra using neural networks. My work is supported by the Zeno Karl Schindler Master’s Thesis Grant, Excellence Scholarship and Opportunity Programme and the Swiss European Mobility Programme.
- [24/03] I started working as a research intern in the Laboratory of Artificial Chemical Intelligence (LIAC) at EPFL! I will be working with Philippe Schwaller and Andres M. Bran on large language model agents in heterogeneous catalysis. Our work won a poster award at the Faraday Discussions in data-driven discovery in the chemical sciences in Oxford, UK.
- [23/09] I am starting my master’s studies in chemistry at ETH Zurich, supported by the Excellence Scholarship and Opportunity Program (ESOP) by the ETH Foundation.